Inattentive ADHD children prone to smoking

Post date: 12-Aug-2012 17:31:48

ADHD, inattention and smoking

Inattention and smoking in ADHD children

Inattentive ADHD children are twice as likely to be smokers by 21 years of age. Inattention and hyperactivity are primary ADHD symptoms. Unfortunately it is only the ADHD children with hyperactivity that are identified early. Many parents feels they can tolerate the the 'hyperactive child syndrome' and avoid ADHD treatment with medication. They believe that parent training and natural ADHD treatment will control their hyperactive children. However, in doing so they lay their ADHD children open to the adverse effects of inattention, a core symptom of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

ADHD children may manifest only inattention without the 'hyperactive child syndrome'. Inattention does not respond to parent training alone. Inattention is caused by neurochemical deficitis, especially dopamine and noradrenaline. ADHD tretment is essential to correct this imbalance. At this critical inattention phaseimpacts learning and leads to subsequent difficulties through the 80+ life span of the ADHD children. ADHD treatment addresses both ADHD symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. ADHD treatment is proven to improve academic performance when started early enough.

Attention deficity hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is known to be associated with substance abuse including nicotine dependence. Research now shows that smoking and nicotine dependence are especially assoicated with inattention in ADHD children. ADHD treatment specifically addresses inattention and improves learning. Reducing the number of smoking children is another reason to initiate ADHD treatment, at least when the ADHD children are in primary school.

ADHD treatment can help smoking ADHD children by controlling inattention.

Source: J-B Pingault, S M Côté, C Galéra, C Genolini, B Falissard, F Vitaro and R E Tremblay. Childhood trajectories of inattention, hyperactivity and oppositional behaviors and prediction of substance abuse/dependence: a 15-year longitudinal population-based study. Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication 26 June 2012; doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.87