Alcohol can Make me Happy?
Post date: 09-May-2012 01:53:43
Can alcohol make me happy?
Alcohol use leads to unhappiness. The heavier the alcohol use the stronger the dissatisfaction with life.
Life dissatisfaction is associated with high alcohol consumption, binge drinking, and passing out after drinking. A population sample of twins followed over 15 years shows this relationship is uni-directional - increasing alcohol use increases unhappiness and not vice versa.
Signs of adverse alcohol use
Alcohol and happiness don't mix - definitely not in the long term. The heavier the alcohol use the stronger the dissatisfaction with life according to a prospective 15-year Finnish study.
H. Koivumaa-Honkanen; J. Kaprio; T. Korhonen;, R.J. Honkanen; K. Heikkilä; M. Koskenvuo. Self-reported Life Satisfaction and Alcohol Use A 15-year Follow-up of Healthy Adult Twins. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2012;47(2):160-168.