Work Style Assessment

Post date: 21-Jul-2015 05:48:45

work style assessment

Work Style Assessment

What is work style?

Work style is a blend of special personality traits that pertain to the workplace. These traits include initiative, integrity, leadership, stress tolerance, analytical thinking, and interpersonal skills. Working style describes how you act as you carry out your work roles. Work is a domain in which personalities connect in many ways. When you describe people as being cooperative, or assertive, you are talking about their work styles.

How are work styles assessed?

Working style is assessed with a set of standard questions. Based on your answers a profile of your strengths is prepared. This profile is used to explore global career options. Your personality traits can then be matched to those of hundreds of jobs listed in the O*NET index. With this you can choose a job that uses all your unique strengths and abilities.

At Pathfinder Clinic working style assessment offers insight into five core areas of job performance and their related work style behaviours:

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Work styles in career planning

Understand reasons for dissatisfaction with your present job. Each of us has a distinct work personality. Personality predicts outcomes like job performance and job satisfaction. A mismatch between your work apporach and that required by the job can be a source of burnout and job dissatisfaction. Understanding why you are not happy in your present job will help you take corrective actions.

I joined the MNC of my dreams. Now I feel like a clerk. There is no room for ideas or initiative.

I don’t think I can succeed at sales work. The pressure and hustle make me very tense.

Identify alternate occupations based on your work approach. Career choice is an area in which work style assessment is essential.With work styles assessment you are then better able to spot occupations that are likely to be satisfying.

I’ve done my Engineering and need to pursue higher studies – should I go in for a PhD or an MBA?

I am stuck in this job since 10 years. I want a change. Do I have what it takes to succeed on my own?

My son is keen on forensic anthropology. The field is novel. Is he suited for it?

Employee selection to match 'soft-skill' requirements of the job. Managers who are hiring can define working styles they value in employees. From a pool of qualified job seekers they can make a final selection based on the extent to which they possess the required working styles. Matching employee work style with job requirements leads to top performance and job satisfaction.

I run a fitness centre. Four people are on the shortlist for my reception post. Which person would be my best choice?

Work styles assessment is a study of your work personality. It gives an insight into how you work with others, your mindset, and your work ethic. It will help you to think about how you act and respond to events in your workplace.