Fruit vegetables help quit smoking

Post date: 28-Jun-2012 02:51:16

quit smoking diet

Fruits and vegetables help quit smoking

Smokers who eat fruits and vegetables an average of 4 or more times a day are 3 times more likely to be abstinent from cigarettes and other tobacco products. The heavier the alcohol use the stronger the dissatisfaction with life.

Smokers lack essential vitamins and minerals in their diets. This lower nutrient intake contributes further to the higher rates of cancer and heart disease seen among smokers. This pattern of eating behaviour may reflect different personality types or the effect of smoking on taste.Those who continue to smoke have less regard for their health, including their diet.

Eating more fruits and vegetables may be a sign of health consciousness, and make a person more amenable to smoking cessation. People who are experiencing cigarette craving can eat a piece of fruit, a vegetable, or drink a glass of water to help them avoid giving in to the urge to smoke.

Quit smoking with fruit and vegetables? Higher fruit and vegetable consumption means fewer cigarettes smoked per day and a longer time for relapse to smoking.


  1. Jeffrey P. Haibach Gregory G. Homish,. and Gary A. Giovino. A Longitudinal Evaluation of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking. Nicotine Tob Res (2012) doi: 10.1093/ntr/nts130 First published online: May 21, 2012

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